
Wed Oct 16 2024, 1016 EDT


The Gems of Knowledge page is your page to share and glean the wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and humor shared by the members and friends of our ARAST / CCARES organization as it relates to Amateur Radio.
Other Amateur Radio clubs are welcome to share as well.


Submit article, clip-art, or photo as it relates to Amateur Radio.
Document formats: PDF (preferred), DOC, DOCX.
      Please note that documents will be converted to PDF.
Photo or clip-art formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG.
       Images will be resized to 290 height (Max.) pixels prior to the admins. uploading to the website.

Please make sure the following information is supplied with your attachment:

Category: Please select a category.
      If you do not see a category then let us know what category you would like and the admins. or webmasters will provide it.

Your Call sign and contact information.

NOTE: Please be aware that children may be viewing this page and as such no themes of a sexual nature, implied or not, will not be accepted. No articles or images of a political nature will be accepted .

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